Is sugar good or bad for you? Nuturally has the answer

Is sugar good or bad for you? Nuturally has the answer

It is very important to share this information because we need to know how our body works in order to choose the best foods for us, the ones that really promote our physical and mental health.

So, the question is: is sugar good or bad for you? Yes or no to sugar?

Let’s start by saying YES to SUGAR, because carbohydrates, or sugars, are the main source of energy for our body. Most of this energy is used by the brain in the form of glucose which is a simple sugar.

So the question at this point is, which types of sugar are suitable for our diet?

YES to sugar naturally contained in food, especially fruit, vegetables, and whole grains as these foods can release sugar into the blood slowly and gradually, without causing sudden glycemic peaks. On the contrary, they release energy and a sense of satiety over time.

NO, instead, to added sugar. This is the real problem and mainly for two reasons:

The first reason is that added sugars raise blood sugar levels, resulting in the release of insulin. And insulin, if produced in excess and over a prolonged period of time, can become a problem. First of all, because it triggers a continuous hunger mechanism and secondly, because it can become a predisposing factor for numerous conditions such as hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes and also neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or many forms of cancer. Moreover, insulin promotes premature aging.

The second reason why it is a good idea to limit or even eliminate added sugar is because sugar is addictive; this is scientifically proven.

Indeed, it works by stimulating the areas of our brain connected to pleasure, motivation, and reward. It increases the production of dopamine, with the same mechanism as drugs: the resulting pleasure gives way to both physical and psychological discomfort as well as to a sense of exhaustion. This will cause us to take sugar again to compensate for these negative emotions and thus trigger a vicious circle that is very difficult to break.

The World Health Organization suggests that added sugar consumption should not exceed 5-10% of total daily calories. For example, on a 2200 calorie diet we can consume 25 to 50 g of sugar. If you think you are within these limits, check the hidden sugars in food.

There are unexpected foods that contain it such as many canned foods, tomato puree, ketchup, balsamic vinegar, and even meat if processed industrially. In general, all foods that undergo industrial processing contain hidden sugars. And this is without considering the exorbitant quantity of sugars present in carbonated drinks and fruit juices!

To defend ourselves from this trap we need to learn to read the ingredients and nutritional labels of the food we bring to our table. In this way we will become more and more conscious and we will reap benefits in terms of health and well-being.  

You will find no added sugars in any product by Nuturally  (Nuts and Dried fruit), but rather only the food’s natural sugar. This is a form of respect towards you, our customers who are looking for tasty and wholesome food that can be an ally of a healthy diet.


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