Exotic fruit: benefits and properties

Exotic fruit: benefits and properties

Exotic fruit

In summer it is perhaps tastier, but let's face it: exotic fruit is always good, at any time of the year! Exotic fruit provide colour and flavour to any recipe, whether for breakfast, during a lunch with friends, or at a dinner for an important occasion. And not only that: the art of table presentation enriches those special moments. And what could be more agreeable than freshly made juice or aperitivo?

Exotic fruit from A to Z: benefits and properties

As passionate and experts of nuts and dried fruit, here we list the types of exotic nuts and exotic dried fruit that can be found on Nuturally.com

B is for Banana! Did you know that the banana plant is the largest flowering herbaceous plant? Very versatile for cooking, it can be used in a whole range of sauces, including even savoury ones! Dried banana contains vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium, which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, energy metabolism, and blood pressure. It's also good for our brain!

C is for Coconut! The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is a palm tree typical of the coasts of hot countries and can grow up to 40 metres high! This fruit is versatile and fascinating, even its name which, in Sanskrit, is kalpa vriksha, that is, the tree that provides all the necessities of life! Pulp and coconut water have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties. The dried coconut is also a great source of selenium, which is involved in maintaining proper thyroid function. 

M is for Mango! Grown today in many tropical and subtropical temperate zones, the history of the mango has its roots in the fourth century BCE. Dried mango is rich in phytochemicals and nutrients, and is also a small treasure chest of dietary fibre, copper and Vitamin A, which help to maintain normal skin and hair pigmentation, protect healthy connective tissues and ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system.  

N is for Nuts! It may seem strange to many, but nuts are truly exotic! There are many varieties, but the vast majority come from the tropics. Did you know? It can live for 500–800 years. Brazilian folk medicine uses shell husk as part of a tea infusion to treat stomach pains, but nuts - be they Brazil nuts or Macadamia nuts - are a great source of unsaturated fats, which when substituted for saturated fats, contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. 

O as in Orange! Originally from Southeast Asia, the orange was imported, or so it is believed, into Europe only in the fourteenth century by Portuguese sailors, but more than one story tells of their being grown in Sicily as far back as the first century CE! A 2015 study found that orange juice (blonde or red) protects against DNA damage and lipid peroxidation, and also reduces the body weight of overweight or obese adults. Dried oranges also contain large amounts of vitamin C, potassium and diamine, which keep the immune and nervous system healthy and also reduces tiredness and fatigue. On Nuturally, you can buy orange dried at low temperature. 

P is for Papaya! Papaya is one of the original Caricacee plant family of Central America, although some sources claim it is native to Asia and Africa. This fruit is the source of medicinal papain, the main active agent with proteolytic function which aids efficient digestion of proteins and is considered an ideal dietary supplement for those suffering from digestive problems. An excellent source of copper, dried papaya contributes to the normal function of the immune and metabolic system. 

And finally P is for...Pineapple! Pineapple is perhaps the 'king' of exotic fruit. It is a tropical plant native to Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, and its name derives from nanas, which in the Tupi language means 'excellent fruit', as recorded by André Thevet in 1555. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. The fruit contains 94 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams! Dried Natural Pineapple also contains manganese, which contributes to the normal formation of connective tissues, and copper, which facilitates the normal transport of iron around the body. 

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