10 types of dried fruit - the benefits

10 types of dried fruit - the benefits

It is now a fact that it is important to eat fruit and vegetables as part of the daily diet in order to stay healthy: the general rule is that of “5 portions”, divided into 2 portions of vegetables and 3 portions of fruit.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to consume fresh fruit, not only because it is often cleaned and peeled, but also because it has to be preserved.

People increasingly tend to choose to take small portions of dried fruit with them as a snack also pre or post workout when they train between the main meals.

By definition, dried fruit is fresh fruit deprived of the liquid part. This treatment, especially if done in a natural way or at low temperatures, ensures that the fruit maintains almost unchanged its nutritional characteristics and therefore its content of fibre, minerals and vitamins.

The only aspect to be taken into consideration is sugar. In fact, a portion of fresh fruit corresponds to approx. 150g of fruit, while a portion of dried fruit corresponds to 30g. A question arises as to why the recommended portions are so different if dried fruit is simply fruit deprived of water.

The reason behind is that by removing the liquid part, the sugar naturally contained in fruit tend to concentrate and, with the weight being equal, dried fruit provides much more sugar with respect to fresh fruit (even though it is still about sugar naturally contained in fruit).

Here is a description of the nutritional characteristics of the most common types of dried fruit. Let's get to know a little better these comfortable allies of our well-being:

    • APRICOTS: dried apricots available on the market can be bright orange or darker. Although dark apricots are generally less beautiful to look at, and therefore less palatable, they are definitely to be preferred to orange ones. In fact, orange apricots undergo a treatment with sulphur dioxide to increase their shelf life and to obtain the characteristic bright orange colour typical of fresh apricots, which is impossible to maintain in the dried product, unless it is subjected to a “bleaching” treatment. Dark apricots are often sun-dried and do not undergo any preservative treatment, which is why they take on that colour and are certainly a more natural choice. Dried apricots are a good ally for sport as they are a good source of sugar and fibre, but they are also very rich in potassium which contributes to normal muscle function.
    • BANANA: banana is a good source of vitamins (vitamin B6, vitamin C and niacin), minerals (especially magnesium and potassium), fibre and phytosterols and is characterised by a low glycemic index. From these properties derive advantages for the cardiovascular system, digestion and nutrition of those who practice endurance sports. When you opt for dried bananas it is important to pay attention to the product you are choosing: the crunchy bananas that can normally be found on supermarket shelves are not simply dried, but usually also undergo a process of frying in coconut oil that makes them crumbly and gives them that characteristic taste that has nothing to do with the taste of the original fruit.
    • COCONUT: actually coconut, both for morphology and nutritional values, can be considered as a middle way between real nuts and dried fruit. The coconut, in fact, represents the gigantic seed of the coconut palm which, in nature, is covered by a rather thick, fibrous, green mesocarp (about 4-5 cm). The coconut, like nuts, contains a high amount of fat and an oil can be extracted from the seed that is used both in cosmetics and in the food industry. Dried coconut is rich in copper, manganese and selenium and it is an excellent source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and biotin.
    • DATES: the date palm is a species of the desert oasis and native to North Africa, from where it has spread to the warm and arid regions of the whole planet. Given the wide spread in the cultivation areas, this palm forms the characteristic vegetation of the oasis and, given its ancient origins of which we find evidence already at the time of the Assyrians and the Egyptians, it is also thought to have been the first tree to be cultivated by man. Dried dates are very rich in sugars, making them an excellent snack when energy is needed, and at the same time they guarantee a sense of satiety due to their high fibre content. They are also a source of magnesium and potassium, useful for reducing tiredness and fatigue, but also manganese, copper and selenium.
    • FIGS: figs were a fruit very well known to ancient people, such as Greeks and Romans. Traditionally held in high esteem as a symbol of abundance, they were cultivated as a rare and sought after delicacy in the paradisiacal gardens of the Babylonians; the tree was venerated by the Egyptians as a tree of life and immortality, from which every day the Sun god Ra was reborn. Dried figs are very rich in fibre, which can promote and help the correct intestinal transit in case of constipation. They are a source of potassium which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese.
    • GOJI BERRIES: the western term "goji" has been in use only since the 21st century and derives from the simplified pronunciation from the Chinese “gou-qi-zi”, which indicates the Lycium berry; zi means “seed”, or more specifically “berry”. Thanks to their sweet and sour taste, these berries have always been used in the culinary traditions of many Asian countries for the preparation of different recipes, from drinks to meat, fish and vegetable dishes. There are many nutraceutical effects associated with this particular type of berry, especially related to their antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, many of which, however, still require scientific confirmation. What is certain is that goji berries are an important source of minerals and vitamins with an antioxidant action: copper, manganese, vitamin E and riboflavin are all micronutrients involved in protecting cells from oxidative stress. In addition to these, they also provide fibre, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin K.
    • MANGO: fresh mango is very sweet and is one of the most popular fruits in the world, as it can be processed and transformed in various ways. In addition to drying, in fact, ripe mango is sliced and canned or treated to obtain fruit juices, jams and preserves. It is part of the cuisine of many countries, especially Asia and India, which is also an important producer worldwide. Dried mango is rich in fibre and is also an excellent source of some vitamins such as niacin, vitamin E and vitamin A. The latter specifically is essential to keep the body healthy as it is involved in numerous physiological processes such as maintaining the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, normal visual capacity and the functionality of the immune system.
    • PINEAPPLE: did you know that pineapple doesn't actually grow on trees but in a bush that is max. 1 - 1.5 metres high? That's right, the pineapple plant looks like a shrub with a stumpy stem and strong, waxy leaves that looks a little like aloe. A pineapple plant produces one fruit every 18 months and develops up to 200 flowers to create it, whose individual fruits combine to create what is commonly called a pineapple. Dried pineapple is probably one of the most difficult fruits to transport and it is not easy to eat it as a snack, which is why having the possibility to eat dried pineapple is a very interesting alternative. Dried pineapple is an excellent source of several minerals: copper, magnesium, selenium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
    • STRAWBERRIES: sweet and juicy, strawberries are among the summer fruits most appreciated not only by children, but also by adults. The strawberries on Nuturally are hand cut and dried at low temperature so as to transform only minimally the properties and macronutrients of the fresh fruit. For this reason, dried strawberries are an important source of many minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron and copper. Dried strawberries also maintain a high content of vitamin C, a vital vitamin for our health as it is involved in the formation and maintenance of most tissues of our body (collagen, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth) as well as contributing to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin C is also essential to promote and increase the absorption of iron.
    • SULTANA: sultanas are the fruit of the common vine or Eurasian vine (Vitis Vinifera L.) subjected to a drying process. Widely used in the kitchen for recipes, both sweet and savoury, in recent years it has been subject of several studies that have shown that sultanas are a food with important beneficial properties, useful to optimize the functions of our body and to protect us from the onset of certain problems. A significant source of fibre and polyphenols, sultanas are also rich in potassium, useful for maintaining normal blood pressure, and copper, which helps protecting cells from oxidative stress.


    Francesca Buccella – I macro e micronutrienti nella frutta secca, disidratata, nei semi oleosi e nei prodotti macinati – Nuts for Life Edizioni


    Nutspaper – 2/2014 – Goji Berry


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